How to Configure PPPoE Server and PPPoE Account (Rate Limit, Accounting, Security & Expiration Notice)

This document applies to the firmware version ReOS v10.
Introduction to PPPoE Server and PPPoE Account
This document describes how to configure PPPoE server and PPPoE account in ReOS v10. With PPPoE server, LAN hosts can act as PPPoE clients to dial-up and connect to the UTT router to access the Internet. Besides, to prevent unauthorized access to the Internet, the router can be configured to allow only PPPoE dial-up users to access the Internet, while blocking all others.
You can create and assign PPPoE accounts for the users who have permission to access the Internet, and configure rate limit, accounting and security parameters for each PPPoE account. The system provides three accounting modes: By DateBy Traffic andBy Hours.
In addition, you can configure PPPoE account expiration notice feature to periodically remind PPPoE dial-up users that their account is going to expire. Then the users can avoid the loss due to the account expiration. The system supports three PPPoE account expiration notice modes: By Date, By Hours and By Traffic.
Configuration Steps
  1.       Configuring PPPoE Server
Go to the PPPoE PPPoE Server > Global Settings page, enable PPPoE Server and configure other global settings as required, see the following figure.
In addition, you can select the Internet Access Control tab to enable Only Allow PPPoE Users to allow only PPPoE dial-up users to access the Internet through the router, andspecify an address group that is exempt from the restriction of Only Allow PPPoE Users, see the following figure.
  1. Configuring PPPoE Accounts
To create a PPPoE account, follow these steps:
  • Go to the PPPoE PPPoE Account page, and then select the PPPoE AccountSettings tab to go to setup page, see the following figure.
  • In the Basic configuration section, you can specify User NamePassword andDescription (optional) for the PPPoE user account.
  • In the Rate Limit configuration section, you can specify Tx Bandwidth and Rx Bandwidth (that is, the maximum upload and download bandwidth) for the PPPoE user account.
  • In the Accounting configuration section, you can specify Accounting Mode and its associated parameters for the PPPoE user account. The system provides three accounting modes: By DateBy Traffic and By Hours.
  • In the Security configuration section, you can specify Max. Sessions to limit how many users can use the account at the same time, Account/MAC Binding (either Auto or Manual binding), and Account/IP Binding to assign a static IP address to the PPPoE user account.
  • Configuring PPPoE Account Expiration Notice
In the PPPoE > PPPoE Notice > Expiration Notice page (see the following figure), you can specify PPPoE Account Expiration Notice Mode (By DateBy Hour or By Traffic) andits associated parameters.
When PPPoE account expiration notice is enabled, if a PPPoE account is going to expire, the system will pop up a notice message to remind the user. The notice is sent once per day, at the time that the user first accesses a web page.