How to setup WAN Connections on a Router

WAN Settings (Configuring Internet Connection)
The Device supports three Internet connection types: Static IP, DHCP and PPPoE.
No matter what type of Internet connection you have, the first step you should take is to check if the Internet connection is working properly, by directly connecting your computer to the Internet.
Static IP
As shown in the following figure, if your ISP gives you a static IP address, select Static IP and enter the IP address, subnet mask, gateway IP address, DNS server IP address(es) provided by your ISP.
  1. DHCP
As shown in the following figure, if your ISP uses DHCP to automatically assign an IP address to you, select DHCP.
  1. PPPoE
As shown in the following figure, if your ISP uses PPPoE, select PPPoE and enter the user name and password provided by your ISP.